Acupuncture and Moxibustion are techniques encompassed within Traditional Chinese Medicine.
These techniques date back to 3000 years ago and are still valid in our days
Through the work of a series of points located in the body, we try to reestablish the general equilibrium of the body.
Acupuncture is a technique used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Very fine needles are used to stimulate specific points in the body. These points are distributed in the energy channels called "Meridians." Acupuncture treatments are applied on these points or meridians to improve the flow and balance the energy.
In traditional Chinese medicine there are many ways to improve the balance of body energy flows. The most common techniques are the techniques of exercise such as Qi Gong, Tui Na massage, Moxa, Acupuncture, Chinese Dietetics, Phytotherapy (the Yerba).
In the Western world, Acupuncture, is the best known and accepted technique by the scientific sectors. It is also recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization) since 1979
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